1. Sita Mata Birth - Sita was found as an abandoned child in a field while being plowed. She is Mother Earth's (Bhoomidevi) daughter, according to myth.
2. Sita Swayamvara - Janaka prepares Sita's Swayamvar in acknowledgment of her marriageable age.
3. Sita Mata in Ashokvan - Ravana kidnaps Sita Mata and imprisons her in Lanka’s Ashokvan (garden of Ashoka trees).
4. Sita Mata Agni Pariksha - As a result of Sita Mata being held hostage by Ravana, she passes the fire test known as the "Agni-Pariksha" to demonstrate her innocence to the universe.
5. Sita experiences more difficulty- Rama sends Sita Mata back into exile despite knowing she is innocent because he must obey his Praja (subordinates).
6. Sita visits Bhoomidevi - Sita begs Bhoomidevi for mercy and deliverance from this unfair world and miserable life.