Sita, Janaka Raja’s daughter, reached marriageable age. His father planned Sita Swayamvar. The nation’s most illustrious kings travelled and took part in the Sita Swayamvar. Lakshmana, Rama, and their guru Vishwamitra were present at the Swamyavar. When they arrived at Janaka’s palace, he welcomed them warmly. After receiving Vishwamitra’s blessings, the monarch offered them a seat.

 Then Janaka commands any monarch who desires to wed his daughter to raise the bow and successfully arrow it.

Parashurama gave Janaka Raja the bow, which was thereafter put in the Sita Swayamvar. This was the heavenly bow that Lord Shiva gave to Parashurama. Sita, his little daughter, was playing one day when she abruptly raised the substantial bow that Purushuram had given her. He then considered that whoever raised the bow would be the father of his daughter Sita.

 Hearing Janaka Raj’s statements in the Sita Swayamvar left all of the monarchs feeling let down.

 When Ravana heard this, he moved forward and made an attempt to raise it with one hand. But despite several attempts, he was unable to raise the bow. The bow then fell on him, seriously injuring him, and he gave it one last effort.

 Every monarch who visited the Sita Swayamvar attempted to lift the bow, but no one was able to do it.

Rishi Viswamitra brought Rama and Lakshmana with him to the court of King Janaka. King Janaka invited them in exchange for their attendance at his daughter Sita’s Swayamvar. When Rama and Lakshmana arrived, they noticed that a large audience had gathered in the green area where the bow challenge was to take place. The two Ayodhya princes took their seats to murmurs from the crowd.

 Kings who had come to bend the deity Shiva’s bow were present, and they were envious of the brothers since Sita shielded them.

 Rishi Viswamitra brought Rama and Lakshmana with him to the court of King Janaka. King Janaka asked them to attend his daughter Sita’s Swamvara. When Rama and Lakshmana arrived, they noticed that a large audience had gathered in the green area where the bow challenge was to take place. The two Ayodhya princes took their seats to murmurs from the crowd.

 Kings who had come to bend the bow of the Siva deity were present, and they glared at the brothers with envious eyes, but Sita smiled as she looked at Rama. People muttered, “The black youngster is Sita’s ideal spouse.” The mighty bow of the god is here, and whoever bends it will gain fame in the earth, heaven, and hell, as well as marry the king’s daughter.

 King after king ascended the stage, fastened his loins, and then pushed, tugged, and strained—all in vain.

 Well, King Janak scoffed, “I wouldn’t have come here to be laughed at for offering what no one will take if I had known there were no men in the world.”

 Sitting among the crowd, Rama and Lakshman were listening to this. Lakshman lost his composure because he was unable to relax.

 Lakshman warned his brother, “No men in the world! We must not allow this sad old bow to mock us.” Rama heard the hermit say, “Up, Rama, and break the bow!”

 Rama bowed to the sage’s feet before ascending the podium.

 O ye elephants that support the four corners of the globe, and O tortoise upon whom the elephants stand, hold the earth firmly when the bough breaks because great would be the shock, Lakshman whispered in prayer.

 The crowd remained still and silent. Sita’s eye twitched with a tear when Rama bent the bow, voila! it shone in his palm with height!

It appeared to be bent over the entire sky. A crash signaled its failure.

The collision was so loud that it caused the ground to shake, the elephants, tortoises, and even the glowing gods to cover their ears! Everyone yelled. Angels performed aerial dances.

On earth, people created noise with cymbals, drums, conch shells, clarions, and sackbuts, and ladies sang songs while the gods poured down joyous flowers and the kettle drums in heaven rolled.

Sita Swayamvar Image

The Sita Narrative

King Janaka discovers Sita as soon as she is born, recognizing her “celestial beauty” and deciding that her bride price would be determined by the “manliness” of her prospective husband. She marries Rama as a result, with whom she instantly falls in love. She follows Rama back to Ayodhya, where they enjoy lavish living until Rama’s cunning stepmother Kaikeyi orchestrates his 14-year exile. They set out towards the jungle with Sita ready to follow her husband.

 Forest life is charming and lovely. Sita Hindu, who has always been an earthy type, likes being close to nature even if she trades the opulent amenities of royal life for modest shelters and clothes made of bark. Sita and Rama enjoy many adventures in the jungle, encountering sages and slaying demons, until Surpanakha, the ugly sister of the demon king Ravana, spots them one day. Surpanakha, who has fallen head over heels in love with Rama, attempts to woo him by disguising herself as a gorgeous woman.

Rama mocks her instead, and his brother Laxman amputates her nose. Ravana learns of Surpanakha’s devastation and promises exact retribution on her behalf.

 Visit Sita and Rama’s woodland residence by Ravana and his demon companion Mareecha. Marcha assumes the guise of a lovely golden deer to entice Sita, who is innately drawn to shining, gorgeous things since she is a woman. As Rama is enticed away from their hut by Sita’s insistence that he kill the deer, Ravana moves in to kidnap Sita and take her away in his flying chariot.

 For a year, Sita is imprisoned in Lanka by Ravana, who keeps pleading with her to become his wife. Sita, who is dedicated to Rama and always pure, rejects all of his advances and won’t even stay in his home. She is instead placed in the palace garden, where she longs for Rama and muses on killing herself. The magical monkey warrior Hanuman pays her a covert visit one evening and informs her that Rama is seeking her.

 When Hanuman gives Sita Rama’s signet ring, she decides to trust him since he becomes just as loyal to her as he is to Rama. She warns Hanuman that she will “certainly die” by killing herself if Rama doesn’t rescue her quickly.

Hanuman offers to bring Sita out of Lanka right then and there, but she declines, saying that only her husband has the right to release her. Later, Hanuman says that Sita’s purity is so strong that, if she chose to, she could use it to burn Ravana to ashes and flee on her own. However, Sita knows it is immoral for a woman to establish her own authority.

After destroying Lanka, Rama eventually makes his way back with Hanuman and the army of monkey soldiers. Ravana is defeated by Rama in a one-on-one confrontation. Sita is overjoyed to have finally met her adored hubby!

Rama, however, disapproves of her and accuses her of “sleeping in another man’s house.” As a result, Sita throws herself in agony into a funeral pyre, and when the flames spare her, her purity is revealed.